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Parish Clerks Operational Meetings

Our meeting dates for 2023/24 are below. Meetings are held between 10am - 11.30am via Zoom. Joining instructions are included in the LRALC weekly bulletin, the Round Robin ahead of each meeting.

  • Friday 5th July, 2024
  • Thursday 15th August, 2024
  • Friday 27th September
  • Thursday 7th November, 2024
  • Friday 20th December, 2024

We would strongly encourage Parish/Town Clerks to attend these meetings. If you have any Agenda items, please send these through to:-

Donna/Nik at LCC (CommunitiesTeam@leics.gov.uk) or
Jake/John at LRALC (admin@leicestershireandrutlandalc.gov.uk)

To view previous meeting recordings, presentations and supporting information see the Operational Meetings - Recording and supporting Information link below.