Discussions with Parish Councils in the past year showed an appetite from Parish and Town Councils to continue to work to develop and deliver services to benefit their communities. All participating councils saw themselves as having a role in supporting community managed service delivery. Attendees made it clear that support to help Parish and Town Councils deliver effective community engagement was important.
It was also recognised that there was a particular need for case study examples about local councils doing things differently and opportunities to encourage sharing of information and feedback among Parish Councils.
In response to the requests made to us by Parish and Town Councils, we have developed this toolkit to provide support and guidance to Parish and Town Councils on how to set up and deliver a number of community managed services, providing case study examples from other Parish Councils. In developing this toolkit we have also provided ideas of how to effectively plan and deliver community engagement therefore gaining support from the wider community.
To access the full document (which includes examples of community initiatives that Parish Councils can lead on) please open the Guidance Toolkit document at the bottom of this page. Specific sections can be accessed by clicking on the relevant topic area below.
Guidance/Tools to Support Community Engagement
This toolkit contains some tools and guidance to support Community Engagement. Topics include:
- Principles of Engagement
- How to identify stakeholders and How to engage them
- Planning communication with Stakeholders
- Supporting Engagement
- Barriers to Engagement and Participation
- Being inclusive in Community Engagement
- Engaging with Young People
- Mandate for Engagement