Welland Neighbourhood Plan Forum
We are a group of people who live and/or work in the Welland ward of Market Harborough. We have formed a Neighbourhood Forum and are now writing a Neighbourhood Plan for our ward so that we can work with Harborough District Council to make sure the views of our ward are heard when it comes to planning decisions that affect us.
We meet at Harborough Community Church, 121 Bath Street, LE16 9JL second Thursday of every month, 6pm - 7.30pm
Email: wellandplan@gmail.com
We also have a facebook page - see link below.
Get Involved
Based on the initial meetings we have pulled together a list of the things that people say are important to them about the ward and now we need your feedback on those priorities.
If you live or work in the ward, let us know your views. Please vote on the priorities identified so far so that we know which are most important to you. Choose one option from each of the boxes below. There is more detail on the Priorities page on the left.
Voting for your priorities
Please choose one option from each of the priority areas below to tell us which of these are most important to you.