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Arden Neighbourhood Forum Logo

Arden Neighbourhood Forum is run by amazing volunteers from our local community who want to help us improve our local area and the wider town. In addition to attending our forum and other meetings that will help us build our neighbourghood plan, there are other opportinities to give your time as a volunteer, meet like-minded people and contribute to improving our area.

Contact us at forum@arden-neighbourhood.org for more details or to put your name forward for any of the opportunities below.

Volunteering Opportunities

Committee Members

We always need enthusiastic people to help on our forum committee, either in one of the main roles (chair/vice-chair/secretary), as a sub-group representative or just a general committee member. Without these roles, the forum cannot operate effectively.


You can help out at our engagement events by giveing an hour or two of your time to hand out leaflets and talk to local people about their priorities for the area.

Flood & Tree Wardens

We are keen to have flood wardens and tree wardens covering our area of the town to spot local issues and gather important local information.