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Leicestershire Highways Design Guide (LHDG)

Posted: Tue, 4 Jun 2024 12:19

Leicestershire Highways Design Guide (LHDG)

A full review of the Leicestershire Highway Design Guide has been undertaken, which includes the development of key policies and principles that accord with recent changes to national policy and guidance including the Government's aspiration to create "beautiful, healthy, greener, enduring, and successful" places.

The Leicestershire Highway Design Guide (LHDG) provides clear and common guidance regarding the highway aspects of new developments in the county, whilst allowing flexibility to meet local needs. It is a key supporting document of the emerging Local Transport Plan 4, which sets out how LCC will manage and develop the county's transport system.

As well as minimising the impact of development on the highway network, the LHDG has an expanding role in responding to requirements for sustainable growth by supporting economic stability, health and wellbeing of communities and tackling the impacts of climate change.

During the review there has been a particular focus on LCC's approach to facilitating the active travel and environmental sustainability elements of highway we adopt. LCC is strongly supportive of this change in emphasis but must also consider how to manage the already significant pressures on maintenance budgets that put into question the future affordability of looking after ever more highway assets.


We will be running a 6-week consultation from Monday 24th June to Sunday 4th August 2024. This will give the opportunity to provide feedback and comment on the draft LHDG and how it relates to the Strategic Environmental Assessment that will also be available to view.

For more information, please direct your questions, queries, and comments to: TSaP@leics.gov.uk

Tags: Have Your Say, Neighbourhood Planning, consultation, environment