We write further to your letter of 1st September, in respect of the above and on behalf of our client, the Ovens Family.
We are aware you will have received a statement of objection on behalf of our client from Clyde & Co. The attached documents are their further representations to the Neighbourhood Plan's policies and proposals.
The Ovens family have asked that we extend their wish to meet with the Parish Council to find a way to overcome their objections to the Pre- Submission draft. Please feel free to contact me to arrange this.
We would be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of this email and attachments.
Kind regards
Christopher McGough BA(hons) Pg Dip MRTPI
McGough Planning Consultants Ltd.
Mobile: +44(0)7858058098 | Direct Dial: +44(0)161 928 0834
HERef PA00879988 L3377072 (002) (PDF, 101 Kb)
Ashby Road Gaddesby Illustrative Masterplan Option 3 2000 at A3 Rev C (PDF, 960 Kb)
Ashby Road Gaddesby Development Framework Option 3 2000 at A3 Rev C (PDF, 972 Kb)
Doggett Report (PDF, 119 Kb)
Site Analysis (PDF, 4.4 Mb)
Land ownership plan Gaddesby (PDF, 406 Kb)
LOCAL GREEN SPACE appendix 4 field survey original (PDF, 123 Kb)
McGough Response final draft (PDF, 488 Kb)