Community & Social
The Logan and Town Centre Community & Social priorities are:
CS.1 Encourage new and existing residents to get more involved in the community
CS.2 Ensure co-ordinated support is readily available for vulnerable groups
CS.3 Find ways to tackle anti-social behaviour
CS.4 Provide more facilities and opportunities for young people
CS.5 Create opportunities and support for people to grow their own food
CS.6 Maintain and enhance the attractiveness of the town
CS.7 Encourage residents and visitors to use the town centre and support local businesses
CS.8 Develop more cultural and leisure opportunities, and ensure they are accessible to all
CS.9 Ensure all residents have access to medical facilities for all of their health and wellbeing needs
CS.10 Ensure all residents, have easy access to schools, shops, medical facilities
CS.11 Ensure residents with more unusual lifestyles (on canal boats, in mobile homes, on Travellers sites) have access to shops, schools, Gps etc
CS.12 Consider establishing a Town Council
CS.13 Ensure issues relating to vermin and rubbish can be quickly and easily reported and dealt with
CS.14 Develop local, accessible drop in centres to develop community spirit and provide support particularly for the disabled, elderly, those with young children and those experiencing fuel poverty