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Neighbourhood Planning in Leicestershire

The Localism Act 2011 brought in a range of new powers, giving greater control to communities. One of the new tools introduced was Neighbourhood Planning.

As part of the support package available for neighbourhood plan groups in Leicestershire, we facilitate a Neighbourhood Planning Network. Further Information can be found on our Network Events page.

Neighbourhood Plans are unlike other formal planning policy documents, in that they are designed to be prepared by communities and will only be brought into force if they are supported by the majority of the community they cover. Recognising that all communities are different, Neighbourhood Plans can vary in content and detail; they are able to cover a range of planning issues or focus on a single topic of importance to the community. For more information about Neighbourhood Plans, what they can be used for and our handy Toolkit visit the Leicestershire County Council (LCC) website Neighbourhood Planning pages:

Neighbourhood Plans in Leicestershire


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