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This page contains links to various sources of funding available in rural areas. It is not necessarily a comprehensive list, and you may be able to find other sources of funding or support, for example via your local district council or a charity or business.

Businesses looking for funding should also visit the LLEP Business Gateway website for information about business support and funding available.

Community Groups are also advised to visit the Leicestershire Communities website.

Funding for Rural Communities

Rural Development Funding & Advice

With the Agricultural Transition now well underway in England and the Basic Payment Scheme being phased out, funds are being redirected to a suite of new schemes. The below document provides an outline of current and future schemes from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) which can be accessed in 2023.

Digital Leicestershire

Digital Leicestershire (formerly Superfast Leicestershire) is a project to bring superfast broadband to as many premises in Leicestershire as possible. It is expected that more than 72,000 additional premises will be able to receive high speed broadband with a minimum speed of at least 24Mbps.

Phase 3 of the contract with Openreach is currently in its delivery phase. If you are unsure whether your area is connected check on the Digital Leicestershire 'When and Where' page.

Useful Information

Below are links to some local strategy and research documents which may help you in making an application.