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Welcome to the Leicestershire Communities Website

This website provides information, support and advice to help us work together to create strong, resilient, happy and healthy communities within Leicestershire.

Leicestershire County Council is committed to working in partnership with communities to improve the lives of people living or working in Leicestershire. The Leicestershire Communities website is a resource which provides a range of useful information to help local people to actively participate in their communities. This includes residents who live and work in Leicestershire, as well as community and voluntary groups who provide services for people in Leicestershire.

The website will allow the Council and its partners, including communities, to share information and access resources, which will support and enable us to achieve our aim of Building Great Communities in Leicestershire.

If you would like to get more involved in helping us to achieve our aim of Building Great Communities in Leicestershire. You will receive information about relevant news and events, along with case studies demonstrating examples of positive community activity from across the County. You will also have the opportunity to help us take our ambitions forward by helping us to develop ideas and proposals for how we can work with and support communities in future.

Working Together - Our Communities Approach

Front cover of Communities Approach

Our communities make living and working in Leicestershire special: They are vital to supporting our health and wellbeing and provide many of the opportunities for people to contribute and support others. The Covid 19 pandemic showed how powerful community action can be and how much can be achieved by the skills, strengths and resources of communities.

The county council is committed to collaborating with, and working alongside, Leicestershire Communities and this commitment is central to our Communities Approach which sets out our proposed way of working with communities over the coming years. Key principles of this Approach are;

  • Prevention – how the whole council works towards providing preventative and self-help support
  • Participation - working collaboratively with partners but led by citizens and communities
  • Catalysts – supporting voluntary organisations and town and parish councils to provide local services and activities.

You can read the Communities Approach below including an Easy Read Version.

We are keen to encourage people to actively participate in their communities, whether this is through becoming involved in community groups and activities, setting up new groups and activities or through other forms of social action, such as telling us about the issues that are important to you.

We look forward to continuing to work with the communities of Leicestershire.

Examples of community-led projects and initiatives which demonstrate these principles can be found on our Case Study pages

Annual Report

Annual Report

Annual Report